misc in aleas radical bad-ass community

post something you idoit

hello everyone

why were my parents willing to birth me


woah! whats that!

is that...the official alea's basics ost video!!

if you for some reason do not follow @yeahalea , then do that NOW!!!
seriously, they have less followers than me but have WAY more talent /srs
so yeah
follow now
I'm being held at gunpoint.


@cattyjolt whaddya think so far

by the way i must say that this will be worked on much later because swag is working on other stuff and has his own life

woke up feeling like actual fucking shit but YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAYYY


oh dear! someone has leaked the alea's basics assets!

we might aswell post the video they had sent to many others since we cant hide it anymore. we are so sorry for this inconvenience and it wont happen again.


(Unused) Hectic House Trouble! - Alea's Basics in Funny and Aseprite OST (article fo contexts!!!) {also maybe audio warning ig the voicelines r pretty loud lol)